Monday 12 October 2015

Manic Monday #84

[Image Source; Pinterest]

Today was quite simply, a pile of pants.

Today has been trying to say the least; my patience, my determination and my positivity have been severely tested today.

Unfortunately they lost out and I've spent most of today in a grump, I also managed to smash my jaw in to a printer tray lid which was incredibly painful and thus lessened said mood even further. 

It's day like today that I do wonder what the hell I am doing where I am and why am I somewhere that a simple 'thanks' is never given. 
It's hard to stay motivated and want to do my best when the things I do produce are gone unnoticed and/or are unappreciated. 

I've taken a few moments out to de-stress and start typing away here.
Generally things don't tend to phase me much but when I know that my plate is overflowing and I'm being asked to pile more on with no spillage it starts to get to me. 

The rant out of the way I have some good things to focus my time on, I have Blogtober which I'm really enjoying, I have a course starting this evening which I'm really looking forward to, I am currently running my first ever giveaway, which I'm super excited about (if you haven't entered already, please do! It's lovely!) and that also in the grand scheme of today, does it really all matter?

But for now, I'm going to wallow for a bit because it really is OK to not be OK for a day or so, I have most definitely already eaten my body weight in carbs and I plan on eating an ice cream now - the idea of which is filling me with joy!

I hope your weekends were awesome and that you head on over to my giveaway to have a look!!



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