Monday 28 December 2015

Manic Monday #94

[Image Source: Pinterest]

Christmas Day flew by at an alarming rate, the day seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. We had a lovely day celebrating with my family this year, eating way to much food, drinking, watching Christmas TV and playing Taboo!
The past couple of days have been dedicated to Ben's family, our nieces and nephew are all at wonderful ages to relive your Christmas childhood vicariously through their excited eyes. They were all well and truly spoilt rotten and were inundated with mountains of gifts.  
Ben's family don't do things by halves. 

We've had the house to ourselves for a couple of days over Christmas, which has been lovely. It's made the prospect of purchasing our own house much more exciting and fees almost in reach.
Today is the first day where we have no plans, we're now in the post-Christmas clean up phase. I always get to a point where my OCD kicks in and the mess overwhelms me, I then decide I want a clean slate and proceed by having a huge clear out. 

I am, for once, eagerly anticipating January and a fresh start. I'm looking forward to the idea of putting more time and effort in to my little space of the internet and really putting a stamp on it. 

For now, the left over chocolate and biscuits are calling.

I hope you have had a wonderful festive period with friends and family, or whomever you spent it with!



Monday 14 December 2015

Manic Monday #93

[Image Source: Wnetrza Zewnetrza]

Welcome to another Manic Monday!

We're nearly at 100, which is quite mad but I still really enjoy writing these posts and I hope you also enjoy reading them still. 

My friends and I had our first (and quite possibly the last) Christmas meal this weekend, the two designated chefs, myself and my friend Adele, may have gone out the night previously and then had to cook the morning after the night before. 
All that aside we actually pulled it off spectacularly; everyone was really pleased with all of the food and enjoyed it immensely.  
We spent the afternoon full with delicious food, watched our chosen festive film of Die Hard - yes, really - eating chocolate, cheese and crackers and generally having a lovely time spent together.

A side note; I say it may be the last, not because it was a disaster and we all hated it, but because some of the friend group are moving away within the next year. 

Now that our Christmas dinner for 10 is out of the way, we're on to planning NYE! As mentioned before, seeing as this quite possible is the last one we'll all be spending together we wanted to plan something a little more exciting; we normally bore out and do a standard house party. 

 My first week of the new job went really well, my manager said he was pleased with everything I'd managed to do last week. I'm learning so much and am trying to retain all of the information given to me, things do sometimes disappear in to the sieve-ether and I  completely forget something that someone has told me. 

 My first week disappeared really quickly, I managed to bag the whole of Christmas off which is so great! My previous boss/uncle was a proper Scrooge and we always got the minimum time off. I love having time off over Christmas as everyone is in such a good mood and I love spending time with my family. 

I'm feeling super festive and am really getting in to the swing of Christmassy goodness!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and start to your week.



Friday 11 December 2015

And, relax...

[Image Source: Tumbleweed]

I feel like I always write these apology posts for not posting regularly, but I think in all honesty I'm apologising to myself for feeling like I'm not keeping up with the standards that I'm setting for myself.

I've come to the decision today that I'm not going to pressure myself too much about my little space of the internet this month, I will still be posting, Manic Mondays are a definite, currently I just don't feel I have the energy to give myself a schedule and stick to it.

Looking back over the past, well, half a year I have aimed to do something consistently every day for a month. It started with Duolingo, since starting that I have been piling on courses, targets, Blogtober, a Digital Marketing Diploma, NaNoWriMo and so on and so forth.

I got to a point earlier this year where I felt I needed to invest my time smartly; I adore being busy and feeling like I'm doing something worthwhile with my time. It was probably partly to do with the fact that I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, I felt I was getting lost and was also not really enjoying spending time in my own house probably had a knock on effect. 
But now I'm feeling a little more set in my tracks, I feel like I want and need to take a seat, with a massive cup of tea, take a huge sigh and just enjoy the festive period and Christmas. 

Currently I am thoroughly enjoying watching as many Vlogmas uploads as I can, I'm starting to watch festive films on Netflix, am drinking that tea and am generally allowing myself some wind down time.

I may not be here as often over the next few weeks, but I will be around somewhere on the internet!

I generally go to Twitter as my main source of social media, feel free to follow me over there and I have also been trying (and forgetting) to upload a little more regularly to my Instagram
If you love cats, flowers and Christmas decorations, then I'm your girl to follow.

 In the New Year I am planning on hotfooting it over to WordPress and setting myself up with a proper domain name. I'll be working through it with my housemate as a case study for his course, so it will probably be a work in progress for some time but I hope the wait will be worth it and will properly set my up for the future.

For now a big toodles!

Fill me in with any festivities you have planned or anything you have been doing, I love hearing from you. 

Toodles, again.


Monday 7 December 2015

Manic Monday #92

[Image Source: vtwonen]


I looked at my calendar today and realised it is TWO WEEKS until Christmas, granted it's not two weeks until Friday, but still, how did that happen?

I suddenly do not feel prepared. I have most of my presents finished but I haven't many gifts for Ben yet and I'm feeling quite panicked now!

For now, lets push Christmas and its all singing, all dancing self to one side for a moment. Blasphemy, I know.

 I started my new job today, I felt very nervous in the morning and it took me forever to get ready as I was fussing around with the perfect 'good impression' outfit. 
Once I got there and made the, what seemed like, mammoth walk to the front desk, signed myself in and met my now manager I felt very much at ease. 

Definitely needn't have worried about the good impression outfit, more people were casual than not. 

I haven't ever started a job where my colleagues made me feel so comfortable on the first day, nobody made me feel like the 'new' person and didn't say anything to make me feel uncomfortable or out of place while finding my way around. 

 I spent most of the day setting up my PC, making sure I had all of the correct and relevant software that I need to do my job and I'm sure there will be much more of that tomorrow. 

For now, I am shattered after my lack of sleep from last night and my information overload today.

I'm off to rejuvenate for more fun tomorrow.

I hope you had a lovely weekend and start to your week. Let me know something fun that you got up too! My weekend consisted of a migraine and then followed by migraine recovery, please let me live vicariously through you!



P.S - I miss the gym, I am hugely getting the gym jitters and feel like I might go crazy if I don't get there sometime this week.

Friday 4 December 2015

Winter Walks

 Taking a walk today was refreshing, the air was cold and crisp. The wind was fluttering tendrils of my hair around my face as I walked through familiar streets, now noticing the small secrets kept by my home town that always went unnoticed when passing in a car. 

It was quiet and peaceful, listening to the sound of the cars rumbling by, watching people go about their every day business, places to go and people to see. It was probably all that different knowing I didn't have any where that I needed to be. 

Wandering in to the quiet streets you get to hear the sound of the wind swirling around you, you feel the coldness biting at your nose, leaving cheeks pink as you make your way to your destination.

It turned in to a cat spotting adventure, seeing them slinking around on roofs, following me down the street, chirping away at me, sitting on the windowsill of their warm homes, eyes closed in the winter sun. 

I need to dedicate more time to walking and exploring, I take it for granted. 
