Wednesday 10 February 2016


 [Image Source: Pinterest]
February, also now know as, Bloguary...
I know, keeping it original!

This is only the second blogging month I have attempted, October was my first, I started off well and then I seemed to struggle towards the end and felt like I was scrabbling around for content and ideas in the last week or so. 
Instead of posting things I wasn't pleased with I missed a few days out, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the experience of posting more regular content. 

First things first - Lists;
You can't really go too wrong with a good list. I generally have quite a hectic thought process so actually getting ideas down on a page benefits me as; a) I don't forget the little gems that come in to my head and b) it actually helps to plan posts for certain days.

The past few weeks I've started carrying around a cute little notebook from Tiger that I'm currently jotting down ideas or little reminders to myself. I'd rather carry a light notebook in my bag than a huge filo-fax type or organiser as I generally get fed up of the bulk and ditch them.

Make time to pre-plan, if you're taking on something like a blogging month, setting some time aside one or twice a week if you work full time like myself to get some ideas down on a page. I've dedicated some lunch hours to planning, I take myself off to a cute tea shop in my town, leave my phone in my bag, order a posh tea I've never heard of and start scribbling down ideas
Setting aside a couple of hours on a weekend or week day off to take pictures will always help, as we're currently still in winter *boo* it is dark when I leave work and nobody likes yellow lighting for pictures. 

Lift happens, be flexible with posts and don't feel you have to stick to a regimented routine of the posts you have planned for specific days. I am not a forward planner with my social life and tend to plan things about 30 minutes before going to meet friends to do something.
I do write shorter posts from my phone if possible, but it really isn't the end of the world if you don't manage to get a post up.

These points may seem simple but I have found really are key to keeping things organised and feeling ready to take on a blogging month!



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