Wednesday 17 February 2016

Head Space

[Image Source: Indulgy]

You're in cosy PJ's, snug under a warm duvet, head resting on a pile of clouds and you want nothing more than to find the comfy spot, close your eyes and drop off in to a blissful sleep...

But no, your mind wants the daily debrief before it lets you switch off for the day.

Why does our mind leave it until the end of the day to get in the nitty gritty? 
Things you may have noticed during the day but not given much thought to are suddenly at the forefront of your mind being dissected and evaluated.
That stupid thing you said in front of a group of colleagues, that thing you want nothing more than to forget, plagues any ideas you might have had and you end up burying your reddened face in to your duvet. 
The actor you couldn't remember the name of, that drove you mad a few hours earlier, suddenly pops in to your mind, making you sit upright in bed, delighted and infuriated all at once. 

Why does it all come out once you're ready to go to sleep?
Is it that these minutes are the only time we allow that connection with our subconscious and give it our full attention?
So much so that everything comes rushing all at once?

It is something that interests me grately, I do have a running comentary in my mind of everything throughout the day, but the night time thoughs are practically battling amongst one another to be heard and paid attention to.

I wonder if it is possible to shift that focus and time frame to pay a little more attention at different times of the day.

Maybe meditation is the key...



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