Friday 9 January 2015


I know we're a little past the New Years celebrations now, but I still wanted to write this post. 

I'm not a huge believer in New Years Resolutions much anymore, when I was younger I always felt a huge pressure to set unrealistic goals for myself that resulted in me inevitably feeling bad about myself when they were unattainable.

Now that I'm older, I like to set a couple of smaller goals for myself, whether it's for some personal self-improvement or to attempt to finish something that I have left undone. 

I don't put a tonne of pressure on myself to complete these things or set goals where I have to do something daily, because I know myself and know that is probably something I couldn't stick to. 

This year;
  • I would like to improve and make more time for my friends, replying to texts being the prime example.
  • Ideally, I would like to learn how to switch off and leave work at work. 
  • Finish A Dance With's getting silly now!
  • Pick up my writing again and get back in to writing my book. 
  • Continue with my healthy eating and maintain my weight.
  • Finally a personality one, I would also like to try and improve on my patience and tolerance levels.
 I don't believe these goals are unattainable and I haven't set myself any ridiculous, out of hand goals that I would get frustrated over.

How do you look at resolutions? Do you set much in store by them? What would you like to achieve this year?


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