Monday 19 January 2015

Manic Monday #49

[Image Source: Pinterest]

It's just another not so Manic Mondaaaaaay.

It really, wasn't yet again...the most arduous thing I had to deal with today was dragging myself out of my comfortable bed at silly O'clock this morning and also knowing I have to wash my hair soon. 

However, it was just about the break of daylight when I left the house, I had a little jump with joy inside because now, in my mind, Spring is pretty much here. Keep dreaming, Adele.

There are a lot of secret-y things going on at work at the moment, hush, hush meetings, secret phone calls, meetings, meetings and more meetings and being allow to leave early far too often...

Now I'm not a lover of being kept in the dark and I have been secretly let in on some of the goings-on, so am semi-clued up, (wow, my stretching of the English language is fantastic today) but I still despise not fully knowing what is happening, when and if this thing that, I sorta, maybe, kinda, shouldn't-really-know-about, is going to come in to fruition.

I used the word fruition, so you can forgive all my abuse to the English language from above, right?

Being kept in the dark is something that I really struggle with. Yes, I am a controller and like to be in control of all of my situations. The not knowing where this may lead is absolutely killing me and it really doesn't help with the "Will I?", "Won't I?" question I have on the daily basis of whether or not I should seriously look for a new job.

Nothing is guaranteed, I need to keep telling myself that, but I am having a continual internal battle within my head with the same questions looping around and around.

But who can answer these questions? Only my boss...who also happens to be my uncle and who knows when it may be, then some of the questions, I can answer myself. 

Sigh, such is life. It's a good thing I'm enjoying all other aspects of my life!

How was your weekend? I thoroughly enjoyed mine! I hope the start to your week has at least been a little more explosive than mine was as well?



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