Wednesday 21 January 2015

Encouraging Exercise

The New Year always sparks a 'New Year, New You' type of flurry amongst the fitness pushers of the world and I am amongst them this year. I always dip in and out of exercising but find the next few things tend to help me get back in to a routine after being out of the mix for a while.

Rather than going 'Beast Mode' and try to go from zero to hero in a matter of days, I have learned from my mistakes and now to encourage myself to start enjoying exercise again.

Currently I'm doing the 30 Day Squat Challenge and 30 Day Crunch Challenge, to try and get myself a little bit more toned after dropping my Christmas weight. These challenges take a maximum  of 10 minutes out of your day, when you edge more towards the end of the challenges and man do you feel all empowered and accomplished when you actually finish one! 

I have also taken to doing a few Blogilates videos, in particular I love Cassey's "6 Minutes To" series of uploads. The arm one in particualr is amazing and I really love doing is as I have never really been a fan of my arms and would love to make them more toned!

You use no weights with this workout and my arms nearly drop off every time I do it, I really feel like it makes a difference and a 6 minute workout is the perfect length for my concentration span. 

I also love watching Yoga videos on YouTube, I have mentioned this before in my Zen post. 

Those are a few tips for a gentle way to encourage yourself back in to an exercise regime! Don't feel bad if you don't go for a 8 mile run every really isn't normal for the majority of people!



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