Monday 26 January 2015

Manic Monday #50

What a Monday to mark my 50th Manic Monday post...

To start the day, my car wouldn't do just that, start, I mean. That was a great way to begin my week! I frantically called my aunt with the hope that she hadn't left for work, she hadn't *phew* 

So after being considerably late to work and already not in the best of moods, thinking about how much money I could potentially have to spend on my car, I then get in to the office and find that nothing had been done. 

Evidently, the world of work just does not function in our offices unless I am there, worsening said mood. But I, the modest trooper that I am, got my sh*t together and got it done, just a little later than I usually do. 

 Then...ooooh then, I discover some very rude emails and messages from unhappy customers, who I happened to be dealing with, which again worsened said mood. 

I don't see why rudeness is necessary in the first place, I am never rude to people in customer service roles, I definitely want waiters to be included in this little rant, because it is simply not something that I think is appropriate...are the things that you are necessarily annoyed about that particular persons fault? More than likely not. Will being rude get you more out of the situation than if you are delightfully polite and act like an adult? In some cases, probably and certainly if you are dealing with someone like me who quells at the first sign of animosity. But is that little bit more that you may receive, because you have been an absolute arse to someone, worth ruining their day really worth it?

In my honest and definitely humble opinion, it isn't. 

Just because you are behind a screen or even on the phone to someone or at the very worst face to face with someone and something has rattled you, why do people think this justifies them to be rude?

I just don't see it at all, I feel like in a customer service role you are always the buffer for mistakes and yes, I completely appreciate that things that could have been prevented are annoying, but they are just that, mistakes.

Next time you want to be an arse, stop and ask yourself, "Is it really this persons fault?" If the answer is no, please consider being a little more polite than you may want to be. 

I know I always appreciate it. 

As they say, things can only get better. So I am now fully expecting a banger of a week to follow!

I hope you all had wonderful weekends and a great start to your week.



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