Monday 27 October 2014

Manic Monday #36

[Source: Pinterest]

 Monday's seem to be on a revolving door, that is spinning around quicker and quicker the closer we get to the end of the year.

How can it possibly be the beginning of November at the end of this week?
This year has passed insanely quickly, I feel like January was just a few weeks ago! Time is slipping away from me at the moment, I want to just slow down and appreciate things, but I feel like if I slow down, everything will fall apart around me and it'll be too late.

Too late for what, I have no answer for that. But it's an unnerving feeling to have. It makes me have a horrible panic-stricken feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about time.

But it's also quite bizarre to me that we are the only animal on the planet to measure time by clocks, dates and calendar years, yet we set so much in store by the measurement of time.

I'm not quite sure what I want to slow down for or why exactly I don't want to slow down.

Damien Rice has some perfect lyrics for my thoughts;
You can wait for ages
Watch your compost turn to coal
Time is contagious
Everybody's getting old

Maybe I should try to stop fretting, sit along for the ride and enjoy the rest of the year? doesn't sound right for me to say that!

How have you enjoyed this year? Do you think it's passed in the blink of an eye?



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