Monday 20 October 2014

Manic Monday #35

The weeks are flying by, this whole year has disappeared in, what feels like, a blink of an eye! Another Monday is almost over.

I've spent the day travelling back from a whirlwind weekend away with my mad family. We went away to the beach for a few days for my niece, Kymi-Lei's, birthday. It was a lovely break and

While we were away, I kept getting that feeling, the 'do I know you...?'

Considering we were around 3 1/2 hours away from my home-town , the likely-hood of me seeing a handful of people that I recognise from around my town is very, very slim.

It got me thinking about the doppelgänger theory, for those of you who don't know the basic idea is that there is a double - or doppelgänger - for every person in the world, some countries also believe that it is a bad omen or the double is an evil spirit.

I saw a doppelgänger for a lady who works in our local Asda, for someone who I used to work with and more interestingly for both Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter films and someone who could pass for Tom Hardy, at a very quick glance!

The theory has always been of interest to me, I even once saw someone and thought...'is that me?' Obviously I had this thought quietly to was to say the least a very, very idiotic moment of self-doubt as I am myself...but do you think the theory has any relevance?

Have you ever come face to face with someone who could pass off as being you?

Or do you believe, like some cultures, that the doppelgänger is a bad omen or in part has evil or bad intentions?

It was a long, sleep-deprived weekend, if you couldn't guess! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I don't think I'm due to go away again any time soon, so all should be back to normality on the routine front. (She says...) 



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