Saturday 4 October 2014



I sometimes have experiences of this among friends or find that I am the recipient of these actions. The other day Ben was relaying a conversation had by a couple of our friends, they were annoyed that a mutual friend was visiting our friends over in Sweden.

Firstly, I was wondering why they were bothered that she was there, they can go and visit any time they want to, but they never have.
This is the second time our friend has been to see them, so definitely thought that it was strange that her visit was a thorn in their sides.

The next that popped in to my head was the fact that they believe they have 'ownership' over their friendship, just because they knew them prior to our other friend.

This is such a ridiculous way of looking at friendships, you get out of a friendship what you put in to it, in my personal opinion. At the moment our friend who was visiting them was putting in much more in to the friendship than said friends who were moaning about the fact that she was in Sweden. 

I have been stuck in this situation before, no surprises there, I won't go in to the details. But have pretty much having somebody else telling another person that they aren't 'allowed' to be friends with me or see me because I was their friend first...I know, ridiculous right? 

It doesn't make sense to me! I don't understand why humans have this it just built in to a few of us? Or is this a common thing amongst the human race?

Just because you are friends with somebody it does not mean you own them. 

Have you ever had any experiences similar to this? How did you handle it?



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