Wednesday 13 August 2014


I have always been bought up with the ideal that everyone is going to have an opinion and I should respect that. Which for the most part, I do. However, can I stress that there is a very fine line (sometimes) between opinions being misconstrued with facts.

So I shall begin today's post, that does actually have some planning - I know, I was shocked too!

With the growth of social media, over the past few years I have noticed a particular surge in opinionated comments, tweets, statuses so on and so forth. Which I love, because it is our opinions which also add to everyone's individuality. 

I am pretty certain that I can say this as a fact, gah - that there are no two people on the lovely earth, who share the exact same views on everything. No matter if you are very similar to your best friend in your opinions, I am sure that you will have a different outlook on something.

(Please do correct me if I am wrong.)

Anyway, I wanted to touch upon the subject of 'haters'. I dislike internet trolls as much as the next person, but when someone has an opinion which doesn't go in favour of, lets say, popular consensus that the person in question will then automatically be labelled as a 'hater'. This is something that I do not like.

It is not hateful to have a less-than-popular opinion of something. It does not make you a horrible person to have that opinion, it makes you who you are. Having your own opinion makes you unique. Can I please add that I am not saying having an opposing opinion is the only opinion to have, I am referring to any kind of opinion. 

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. 
No matter what is it, positive, negative or ambivalent. 
(Or anything else in between.)

I know there are a handful, probably leaning more to a big handful, of people who just go out of their ways to put an outrageously negative opinion out there to get a rise out of people and there are those who love to play the devils advocate. I am in no way trying to condone these people who have a lot of time on their hands - yet again, an opinion of mine.

I think my point is that it would be quite refreshing to see more people embracing an opinion as exactly that - an opinion. And not fighting about it like that person has just stated a fact or that their opinion is somehow going to effect the whole outcome of whatever their opinion is about.

I think I am quite opinionated, but not in an obnoxious-in-yer-face way. I like having an opinion and my own outlook on things. I do always try to consider points and views from different perspectives and sometimes I do find it hard. But it is good practice, in my opinion, of becoming a better person. 

I hope this has made sense and I haven't made myself seem like a self-important numpty.


P.S - Who wants to count how many times I said 'opinion'?


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