Sunday 24 August 2014

Best Friend

I completely failed at blogging this week, so I'll just carry on like nothing happened...

I have wanted to broach this subject for a while because of the way that this 'term' makes me feel.

I always feel like I don't have a 'best friend', the way that culture dictates, more often than not, the best friend will be the same sex. I know, I know, it's ludicrous in this day and age, but that is unfortunately how it is percieved.

I have a very small amount of female friends as I do, genuinely, find it very hard to maintain friendly relationships with females. I have been burned more than once by previous friendships with girls, which I suppose has possibly made me more cautious to try and maintain my female connections since.

I do have two very close girlfriend that I do girlie things with, we see each other infrequently as we all have our own thing going on. I love these two dearly as we all get it, we all understand that one another have things going on in our lives and we don't make each other feel guilty when we have to rearrange our meet up 1, 2 or even 3 times before we actually get to see each other again.

 I don't really see myself as having a best friend, because lets just say I get picked up and dropped as often as a dog toy. A best friend should be there, through thick and thin.

Which leads my nicely on to my most recent realisation.

That I do have a best friend, I have only recently twigged, but because we don't do the 'girl' things together, I personally haven't seen it that way before.

But I do have somebody who is there for me 100%. Whenever I cry, when I succeed, when I am defeated, when I need support, when I ask for advise, when I need a drinking get the idea!

That best friend of mine would be my best friend, boyfriend, partner in crime, yin to my yang, calm to my storm and so much more.

I appreciate him more than I can ever possibly endeavour to express to him.

I am truly thankful I have him in my life. 

 And am also thankful, that he is not a girl. Because, one that would change my sexuality...and two, boys are awesome.

Who is your best friend? What do they mean to you?



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