Monday 6 January 2014

Monday, Monday, Monday!

Yes, Monday is nearly done and dusted. Nearly.

I've had quite an emotional weekend, some really good highs,
thanks to my lovely boyfriend and a wonderful friend of mine and some stinking lows, thanks to feeling overwhelmed and out of my element at work. 

However, today was not all as bad as it seemed to be, to me, yesterday as I was having a little cry and having a chat to Ben (the boyf, I mentioned up there ^) things are starting to look a little clearer to me. For now I'm just trying to push past, wade through the waters and hold tight.

I am trying to be productive with my spare time, as I have limited time in the evenings due to my horrendously long days at work. (Yesterday I thought it'd be a good idea to figure out how many hours I actually work in a month and to be honest it made me feel worse about my situation, don't do that, ever.)

Back to my original point...

Productivity - I am trying to be more productive in my spare time, doing things I enjoy, spending time with people who make me laugh and make me feel happy.

I'm blogging a lot more about things that I enjoy, which is in turn making me feel happier as I am focusing on those things that I am passionate about and as I have set myself a little mental goal I feel like I am achieving something by putting time and effort in to my own little piece of the internet.

I am getting back in to the swing of reading. I have such ebbs and flows when it comes to reading, sometimes it's all I will do, other times I can read a couple of pages a week and be done with it. But it is a hobby that I have had since I was very young and something that I will always do during my life, I know it is always something that will be there and I can enjoy when I need it. 

 Loved ones and friends - If you are incredibly lucky and have a supportive boyfriend, a great family and a handful of close friends, I cannot recommend spending quality time with them anymore than anything else in the world. I tell Ben everything, no matter how silly I feel, if I think he'll think I'm ridiculous for even feeling how I am, he will be there with a few words of wisdom, a hug or just an ear to talk off when I need to.

You will be surprised at how much better you feel after you talk about something that you are agonising over with someone else.

Music - Music has been an ever present medium in my life, for certain times when I need it I have a short playlist on YouTube that has a huge variety, for such a small selection of songs, that I know I can always go to no matter what mood I am in and there will be something on that playlist to suit my feels! Everyone needs 'The Playlist' in their lives, if you haven't already, go and make one for those times when you need it most!

This post was just going to be a music video that I was going to post that was helping along when writing a blog, but it ended up being a go-to post for when you're feeling a bit lost, I hope this helps anybody who needs it! And hopefully if I'm feeling a little lost myself in the future I can refer back to this and try to make myself see things from a better perspective.

The song I posted is from my playlist, some of the lyrics are fitting to how I'm feeling, but not exclusively. This is one of my chillin' songs anyway.


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