Monday 8 September 2014

Manic Monday #29

This was the quickest Monday of all time. I am literally counting the seconds until I get on a plane now. Wheeee!

I had a little fright when I got home today. I was having a tidy up, I'd just switched on my PC and accidentally unplugged it, thinking it was my hair dryer.

I switched it back on, thinking nothing of it, selected to start things normally...

Then it all went a bit wrong.

The moment of horror when you see that your PC is trying to restore itself because there's been an error.

At first, I was trying to be blasé about it, saying to Ben that there hasn't been anything on it in the past few months that I was bothered about, as it was trying to restore from a previous point.

Then he mentioned my book and if I'd backed it up recently...I had, but only on my PC...then the wave of 'Oh yeah, and that...' and 'My pictures!' and 'MUUUUUSIC!' *insert a panic emoji here*

Then an onslaught of bits and bobs that are on your computer because you never think that one day, your PC may just not switch on and you have never backed it up because that day will, of course, never come.

It's quite crazy to think of all the sentimental things that I actually keep on my PC and that I never really think to back them up. I have done in the past, but still I do it very infrequently even having lost things previously. Previous back ups can probably be found 2009ish...

I am terrible, but this has prompted me to have a PCTLC evening. I am fully backing up and am going to have a clear out of less important documents, that are there just because I am too lazy to clear up.

It wouldn't be the end of the world if I did lose these things, but of course it would be quite upsetting to lose pictures and all my hard work that has gone in to my book. (I have hand written everything, so do have a 'hard copy' around.)

What would you be most distraught to lose if one day your PC was no more? Or are you just sensible and back up?

I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyable Monday!



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