Saturday 6 September 2014

50 Facts About Me

I've been doing this for some time now, I'm pretty sure, apart from my opinions you, as readers don't really know too much about me. So I thought it's about time for some facts. Enjoy!

1: My middle name is Chelsea...yes, my Dad is an avid supporter...
2: I have a boyfriend, Ben.
3: We have been together for 7 years.
4: I love hip-hop.
5: My family is very dear to me.
6: I have one brother, Dale.
7: I love a good dance.
8: I have lost 2 1/2 stone in just over year.
9: My little niece is the most beautiful child on the planet. FACT.
10: I love to read.
11: My favourite series is Harry Potter.
12: My favourite book of the series is The Prisoner of Azkaban.
13: When I turned 12, I sat up at midnight and waited at the window to get my letter to Hogwarts and was heartbroken when it didn't come. (Lies, it did come, but it's a secret. Muggles!)
14: I'm a bit a nerd and I love it.
15: I used to play World of Warcraft. I played for around 5 years.
16: My favourite game is Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.
17: My birthday is in August.
18: I enjoy working.
19: I have also occasionally been known to enjoy exercising.
20: I have quite a serious addiction to notebooks.
21: I am currently writing a book. I have enough stored away for a trilogy.
22: I love fire.
23: Slightly obsessed with oranges.
24: I have a rather large collection of lanterns.
25: I love to travel.
26: My favourite place I have visited is Thailand. It actually gives me pains in my heart to think about it and how much I miss it.
27: I am not exaggerating about 26.
28: I definitely think my spirit animal is a cat/rabbit hybrid.
29: I love the ocean and sea creatures, a little on the obsessive side.
30: But am cripplingly afraid of going in to the sea.
31: I have an irrational fear of being bitten by a shark.
32: My favourite mug is my Moomin mug.
33: I love music and have a very eclectic collection.
34: I have one green eye and one hazel.
35:I am 5 ft 4 inches or 162 cm if you are that way inclined.
36: I am quite a reserved person.
37: I prefer to listen to a conversation than be the person talking.
38: I have always wanted a dog, for my whole life. I will get one, one day!
39: If I had a superpower, I would definitely want the ability to become invisible.
40: I relish my own personal space and love spending time on my own. In a completely non-emo way.
41: Typography makes me excited. I love typographic design.
42: I have a degree in Visual Communication. I adore design in all formats.
43: Most of my friends are guys. I prefer the company of guys, I find they are a lot less hassle than girls.
44: My favourite colour is green.
45: I believe that you should never say never. Anything can happen.
46: On that note, I have decided that I probably won't have any children. But, as mentioned above, I won't say definitely not.
47: I am very impatient. I dive right in without much thought.
48: I like spontaneity and like surprises.
49: Ben is my best friend. I adore him more than anything.
50: I have agonised about the last fact for the past half an hour or so. We'll end on the fact that I'm quite anxious and over think things.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Let me know something about you!



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