Tuesday 8 March 2016


[Image Source: Flickr]

“I think every woman in our culture is a feminist. 
They may refuse to articulate it, but if you were to take any woman back 40 years and say, ‘Is this a world you want to live in?’, they would say ‘No.’”
Helen Mirren

Today is International Women's Day.
A day to celebrate women globally, a day to discuss the issues still present in every day culture and to educate those who fail to understand. 

I always have a great sense of empowerment on International Women's Day, not because I need just one day to feel proud to be a women, but the great things that women are doing all over the world are shoved in to the spotlight and celebrated as they should have always been celebrated. 

The push for gender equality is still going on and I am under no illusion that it will be an easy or quick ride to the end.
We still need women to stick together as one, as so many women are quick to stand in the way of our genders growth and belittle the changes that other women are trying to make. 
The promoters and international speakers like Emma Watson are named and shamed as 'feminazi's' for promoting the equal rights of women, when they should be wholly supported and celebrated for their bravery to speak out against the oppressors. 

'Lad culture' and the acceptability of belittling and degrading of women's status needs to be challenged. It's so sad that it's still such an acceptable part of every day life. If a women dares to degrade a man, they're labelled as man-haters, but men are never labelled as women-haters. 

 Discussion, communication and education are always needed for equality to finally become true for every woman in the world. 
Feminism needs to stop being a dirty word and for it to be understood for what it actually stands for;
'the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.'

Stylist have a great collection of empowering quotes by women fronting the feminist movement, have a read here

 What is your stance on International Women' Day? Do you think a day of recognition is enough?

Let me know your thoughts!


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