Sunday 20 March 2016

Having A Niche...

[Image Source: Lydia Makepeace]

I once again am finding myself at a crossroads on my blog. If anyone were to ever hit me with the question of "What type of blog do you have?" I honestly wouldn't know. 

I'm not 100% sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. 
On the one hand if you do have a niche your readers will generally know the sort of content that might appear on your blog and will keep coming back for that reason, but I feel that you then have to explain or write a disclaimer if you feel you want to explore other avenues.
On the flip side having a blog that doesn't conform to a specific genre you are free to explore, experiment and write to your hearts content about whatever strikes you that day (generally somewhere I feel I sit in the spectrum) but where does that leave my readers? 

Do you come to my blog with safe in the knowledge that I'll have a post up? And will you have some sort of idea what topic it might be on?
If you do know, well done you. Cause I don't even think I know that much! So, will you be my PA, dear reader? 

I did start out with a vision, I'm quite certain 90% of people do. But I had to be a little brutal, as much as I love the beauty industry, I cannot afford or justify splurging 90% of my wages each month on make-up, skin care and body care to come up with content and I always knew someone could do it much better than I could!

I am enjoying writing about thoughts and different subjects that are present in every day life. Whether I'm good at voicing my opinions and trying to see things from others perspectives is a different matter. 

I do feel that certain subject matters come when they do and scheduling seems a bit odd to me at the moment; I'm not sure if I could wrap my head around that, unless I over thought my every day existence. 
Maybe that comes with time?

I hope this ramble made some sort of sense, it helped me a little more with knowing how I want to proceed with my blogging space.


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