Monday 2 February 2015

Manic Monday #51

Today was quite manic, but it kept my on my toes. It was nice having a change of pace and currently being all alone in the office lets me just get on with it. 

I feel a little frustrated with myself because today while I was doing odds and ends, I thought of a perfectly perfect subject for my weekly MM post, but me as a suffer of sieve-brain syndrome have now forgotten what said subject was. When I thought of it I even thought to myself 'I should write that down...' but forgot as I was multitasking running the whole sales office.

So instead, I will talk about forgetfulness and how greatly irritating and debilitating it can be. My uncle is a prime example of forgetfulness, I work for him so have also, in-part, become his unintentional PA.

Today he rang me at around 11am, we had a conversation and he asked me to send a document to him, which I did as we were talking as he said he needed it for his next appointment. At 4.55pm he rings again and asks me if I can instead print the document that I'd sent and have other things printed for the next that is what he'd meant to ask me at 11am.
Tip of the iceberg people, how he runs a business is beyond me sometimes. 

Now, I am quite an organised person, but also can be very forgetful. When closing down my PC earlier I saw I had several half written emails that I had yet to finish, I flit between so many things that something has to give and today, unfortunately, was emails.

With my general every day life, I regularly forget conversations that I was having if they were interrupted, I forget times for appointments, I forget to pick things up...once I might have, definitely did, forget to pick up my niece from nursery when she was much younger...only 20 minutes late, don't judge me! I forget items that people have asked me to get from get the gist.

It does amaze me that I do seem to keep myself quite organised in the work just doesn't seem to go hand in hand. Maybe it's because I know I have to keep myself together for the purpose of work. I have...on the very rare occasion...forgotten to process orders at work...
Shh, don't tell anyone.

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