Friday 13 February 2015

Friends Quotes

"...this is just vintage Rachel. I mean, things just sort of happen around you. I mean, you're off in Rachel-land, doing your Rachel-thing, totally oblivious..."

I am a huge Friends fan, have been for years, it still makes me laugh, currently, I am sitting here in a Central Perk t-shirt and recently I have been re-watching the box-set. Classically started on my last horrific hangover day.

I generally can relate a Friends quote to most things that happen in every day life, it's a gift. I have been thinking more and more lately about the quote for myself from Friends that would best describe me. 

 After some consideration and a few too many disasters lately, I think the above quote about sums up my life. Obviously changing the name to my own, it has quite a ring to it.

"This is just vintage Adele...things just sort of happen around you. You're off in Adele-land, doing your Adele-thing, totally oblivious..."

Things do generally seem to happen around me, I break things regularly, fall over, drop things, hurt myself, walk in to things, melt lids in to Pyrex dishes while cooking, do silly things that I look back on and think "why did I just do that?"...I am impulsive, impatient and a do-er...basically the recipe for disaster.

I was once in a pottery shop with my parents and brother, (when I was much younger, can I add?) my parents were looking at something on the top shelf and obviously I needed to see it as well, I presumed to climb up the shelves to realise seconds later that the shelves were not fixed down...and I was then showered in pottery, surrounded by broken plates, mugs and cups. Yes, that did really happen, I broke around £500 worth of pottery stuffs...

What do you think your Friends quote would be? 

Please let me know, it'd be interesting to see what answers people give.



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