Monday 30 November 2015

Manic Monday #91

[Image Source: Pinterest]

Let's try that again...!
In my slick blogging style (hah) I might have accidentally posted this post before I'd even written it.
That was just the cherry on the top of the delightful mess that has been today.

I was wondering to myself before writing this 'what on earth am I going to search for an image or quote?'
Without even a search on Pinterest the above imagery proposed itself to me.

And you know what? It's a bloody good fit for how I've been feeling today.
Before I digress, I don't want today's post to be filled with the sycophantic whinging of moi.

I initially started these Monday posts to allow myself to digest everything that went on during the busiest day of my week at my current job. It feels so very strange that today's Manic Monday post is actually my last at said job.

I think I had a true 360 and have (almost) left in the same fashion that I started. It seems almost profound in a way.
5pm tomorrow will feel very strange indeed, I don't think it has hit my yet.

I'm guessing some people are possibly wondering why I'm being so nostalgic about a job, but in all honesty, I love working, I love being busy and putting my energy in to something. It's hard to leave something lightly when I invest so much energy in to being the best that I can be at my job.

But the target past this job is in sight, I'm aiming straight for it. It'll be scary at first, but so worth it in the long run.

I'll leave you before I start citing inspirational quotes.

I hope you had a wonderful start to your week! Let me know if you have anything good coming up that you're looking forward to!



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