Monday 7 September 2015

Manic Monday #79

[Image Source: Pinterest]

It did exactly what it said on the tin today, no down time, no time to think just gogogo. I do usually relish days like today but the things I was being tasked with were far out of my job role and things that I had never done before with no guidance, as nobody was in the office.

I had quite a stressful day, which I then vented out in the gym. It is definitely the most cathartic activity to do when you have a lot on your mind.

But I'm putting the day behind me as I don't want to let it bring me down. I want to do more again and feel inspired and the big one not give two hoots what anyone thinks. I do this because I love it, I love writing, I like to spill my guts and let people know my thoughts and opinions on what has been on my mind and above all else, I find it a great outlet regardless of what I write about or how I feel at the time even if it's not necessarily related to my post.

I already feel a little lighter and more relaxed just from rambling on in today's post.

I want to get back to where I was before and feel how I used too.

It has to start with me, I am feeling determined.

I don't want to let this slip away from me.



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