Monday 3 November 2014

Manic Monday #37


You dragged today when I didn't want you to, then the moments I want to save slip by too quickly. There is truth in 'time flies when you're having fun'.

I spent the evening with friends tonight, which isn't normally on the cards for a Monday, but it made for a lovely change. Hanging out with the people I love, eating loads of food watching and watching and narrating David Attenborough's Life Story, like we seem to do a lot.

I may have shed a little tear for the poor little goslings, catapulting themselves off the side of the cliff in hopes of finding food. But it was fine, nobody said anything, because I was surrounded by people who know me.

Mixing up the routine of everyday feels great, especially when it means seeing friends I haven't seen for a while.

I do like to think of myself of a bit of a lone wolf and take a definitely solitary stance on life; doing everything for myself and at my own pace. In no way do I mean this in a 'poor me' kind of way, I just enjoy my own space and time.

But hanging out with my oldest friends, doing nothing other than relaxing together, definitely reminds me that I do need people in my life and their nutty company.

They've brightened up my day :)

How was the start to your week? Have you got any plans that normally aren't on the cards?



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