Friday 11 December 2015

And, relax...

[Image Source: Tumbleweed]

I feel like I always write these apology posts for not posting regularly, but I think in all honesty I'm apologising to myself for feeling like I'm not keeping up with the standards that I'm setting for myself.

I've come to the decision today that I'm not going to pressure myself too much about my little space of the internet this month, I will still be posting, Manic Mondays are a definite, currently I just don't feel I have the energy to give myself a schedule and stick to it.

Looking back over the past, well, half a year I have aimed to do something consistently every day for a month. It started with Duolingo, since starting that I have been piling on courses, targets, Blogtober, a Digital Marketing Diploma, NaNoWriMo and so on and so forth.

I got to a point earlier this year where I felt I needed to invest my time smartly; I adore being busy and feeling like I'm doing something worthwhile with my time. It was probably partly to do with the fact that I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, I felt I was getting lost and was also not really enjoying spending time in my own house probably had a knock on effect. 
But now I'm feeling a little more set in my tracks, I feel like I want and need to take a seat, with a massive cup of tea, take a huge sigh and just enjoy the festive period and Christmas. 

Currently I am thoroughly enjoying watching as many Vlogmas uploads as I can, I'm starting to watch festive films on Netflix, am drinking that tea and am generally allowing myself some wind down time.

I may not be here as often over the next few weeks, but I will be around somewhere on the internet!

I generally go to Twitter as my main source of social media, feel free to follow me over there and I have also been trying (and forgetting) to upload a little more regularly to my Instagram
If you love cats, flowers and Christmas decorations, then I'm your girl to follow.

 In the New Year I am planning on hotfooting it over to WordPress and setting myself up with a proper domain name. I'll be working through it with my housemate as a case study for his course, so it will probably be a work in progress for some time but I hope the wait will be worth it and will properly set my up for the future.

For now a big toodles!

Fill me in with any festivities you have planned or anything you have been doing, I love hearing from you. 

Toodles, again.


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