Monday 11 April 2016

Manic Monday #109

[Image Source: Pinterest]

Hello, hello, hello.
Today's post is very impromptu indeed. 
I wanted desperately to plan a friends night out to cheer up one of my friends after receiving the horrible news from yesterday. 
Sometimes all you need is to be with your friends, if you're your normal self or just want to sit in the corner mulling away, letting your friends steer the conversation. It's just something to be in their presence and know that they understand.

The world seemed to be dishing out bad news after bad news today. So often the media is infiltrated by all the horrors that are going on that I forget there is still some good in this world. 

I don't like to let myself get sucked in to a vortex of feeling like nothing good is happening anymore when I know that there are people fighting every day to make good things happen. 
We tend to focus on the negatives and wallow in the pity that is fed to us by the media, never seeming to celebrate all the wonderful things that happen for every bad thing. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not sitting here on my high horse, in my crystal clean palace trying to ignore the issues the world is currently facing. I just think that every now and then we need to remember that there are still good things going on in this world too. 

On my lunch walk a bus passed me and I noticed Nelson Mandela's face staring back at me, I didn't quite catch the full banner but it said something along the lines of;
'It only takes one person to make a change'
Albeit, Nelson Mandela moved mountains in his time and I don't think I'm on an even keel but still, the banner was right; it does take that one person to make a change. 

It got me thinking about the changes that Nelson Mandela did for this world and the persecution he received for standing up for what he believed in. He endured everything that was thrown at him and still came out the other side standing, still, for what he believed in.

There are unsung hero's like Mandela all over the world who are trying their best to change the world, for the better, one step at a time. 
I think it's time we tried to focus on them a little more and bring their good energy to the forefront of the media. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think the media shine the spotlight on the negative news excessively?


P.S; I'm not in anyway shape of form trying to say that the media shouldn't report on things due to their sensitive subject matter. However, I do think it needs to be acknowledged but I also think that the good in the world needs to be acknowledged as well.

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