Monday 6 June 2016

Manic Monday #116 - Taking a Break

I decided quite unexpectedly today that I was going to take a break from blogging this month.
My heart really isn't in this space at the moment and whether I decide to come back or start afresh I shall, of course keep you up to date.
I am currently focussing all of my spare time on exercise and creative writing.

Today is the first day where I actually thought that I wasn't even feeling up to writing a Monday post, which is something I have consistently done for two years now (travel permitting) but I just wasn't feeling that at all today.

I am becoming too obsessed with statistics, page views, followers and on the flip side of blogging culture the materialism that is being promoted daily with throwing cash at or being gifted every shade of lipstick and eyeshadow just isn't tickling my pickle anymore and is starting to become something of a bugbear for me. 
It is, of course, fine if you are running a beauty blog, I'm not having a dig. I am just of the opinion that people with such young and impressionable audiences should be doing something to counteract the materialistic hoarding that they so consistently promote and try to encourage a positive influence on the environment instead of just materialism. 

I still watch beauty, fashion, lifestyle videos and still want those things that are so prettily presented to me. I lust over but I also have that voice in the back of my mind reminding me that I don't possibly need another blush or foundation just because this person says they love it. 

I know this quite a negative post but to be honest I am feeling quite negative about the whole blogging platform at the moment.

I'll probably be back if this passes, or I might haul-ass to pastures new.




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