Monday 25 January 2016

Manic Monday #98

[Image Source: Instagram]
Monday is here again and we're now on to the last Monday of January, rather alarmingly. January has disappeared in a strange haze of not really getting much done, I feel like I should be doing something but I'm also really enjoying giving myself a break in the evenings as I'm learning so much on the go with my job that I feel like I would over-saturate my brain if I tried to do anything too taxing. 
I have taken the opportunity, this month, to pick up reading again. I finally finished Skin by Mo Hayder, which was a brilliant, captivating read and I then picked up To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, I am fully invested in it and can't wait to read it in the evening when I'm finished all the usual evening chores. 
 I am thinking of maybe, possibly attempting a blog post every day in February. I don't appear to have much in my calendar currently and do want to invest more time and effort in to my blog. An update is in process at the moment, a domain is bought, a design is sort of floating around and a WordPress move is imminent. I'm not sure on a date yet, I will keep you up to date as best I can!
The end of our lease is looming ever closer, I knew it would just appear out of nowhere which is exactly what it has done. I'm just glad that we still have 2 months as I feel quite unprepared and am planning on having a very large overhaul of possessions that are no longer used or needed.
I have a sneaky feeling this might take me a lifetime as it took me a whole day to clear out my wardrobe... 
I found a perfect song to relax to as I was trawling through YouTube this evening, it's a cover of Tove Lo - Talking Body by the wonderful PVRIS. I would highly recommend giving it a listen, it's a few months old but I've only just stumbled across it! I'll embed it below for your enjoyment!

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