[Image Source: Pinterest]
I feel like I have too much to say, but I can't quite string the words together.
I've been staring at a blank page, so to speak, for a while now.
I had some news today, that didn't particularly shock me, but it started me thinking about how people conduct themselves towards others and how, even if you are the nicest person to them to their face, that your body language if you feel any different is quite a subtle hint to your true feelings if people are reading you correctly.
It wasn't only body language that I was thinking about, it is however a huge give away, but I think that people, especially in the work place, really need to think about how their actions, words and passing comments can really effect another person.
I am terrible for not putting the following in to practice myself, but I wanted to ask the question, "How would you feel if someone you worked with treated you or spoke to you in the same way that you have spoken to them?"...People don't go to work to be reduced to tears, or to be berated and belittled by their management or supervisors.
I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that the people I am referring to, would be highly offended beyond words and would be the first to turn around and say they had an issue with how they were being treated.
There is a lot of double standards going on at the moment and I'm not sure how keen I am on the idea.
I think it's a shame that the above mentioned has now come down to 2 individuals handing in their notice in the space of mere weeks.
I really think people need to reflect on how they treat others more often.
I have a fiery temperament, but I would never dream of taking that attitude in to work.
It is something to think on at least.
Have you ever been on the receiving end of this type of behaviour? If so, how did you deal with it? It would be interesting to find out.
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