I love this facial scrub, it’s wonderful.
Back story time - I’d been using rubbish scrub, in my opinion, of course,
that I didn’t feel had really been making much of a difference to my skin. I started looking for a new scrub recently, as due to the weather change I was getting small bumps around my nose, general T-Zone area, that were sort of under my skin, but didn’t feel like they were…(bad explanation, I know!) and my pores were feeling quite clogged. I tried a few generic, run of the mill products which didn’t seem to do anything to improve my situation.
that I didn’t feel had really been making much of a difference to my skin. I started looking for a new scrub recently, as due to the weather change I was getting small bumps around my nose, general T-Zone area, that were sort of under my skin, but didn’t feel like they were…(bad explanation, I know!) and my pores were feeling quite clogged. I tried a few generic, run of the mill products which didn’t seem to do anything to improve my situation.
One day as I was perusing in Boots, my mum spotted the Super
Facialist by Una Brennan collection. I picked up the rose scented facial scrub and I had a cheeky test of it on my hand and was
pleased that it was a dense, rougher facial scrub to the ones I had
previously used.
It was £8.99, but I didn’t mind paying that as you
don’t really need a lot to do your whole face as there are loads of
scrub particles (words fail me right now, sorry) in the product and it’s
a thick consistency.

I’ve been using this for well over three months now and it’s safe to say, for an every other day scrub, it is perfect. Also, as you don't need to use an awful lot of product to scrub your whole face I have only gone through half the bottle.
It has cleared up my pores a treat and I can see a definite reduction
in the little bumps on my skin and as a plus my skin looks a lot healthier
and brighter in general!
I tend to use it every other day as it’s quite a rough consistency so
I didn’t want to over work and start exfoliating fresh skin.
I have very sensitive skin, a lot of products irritate my skin
easily, this product specifically states it is for sensitive skin, but with
a rose scent I thought it might irritate my skin, but it hasn’t at all which
was a nice surprise!
(Someone get this girl a focus!)

(Someone get this girl a focus!)
I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a new
facial scrub that really works your pores to unclog everything and give
you fresher, brighter looking skin.
I feel like I can’t say enough good things about it!
If you haven’t got it, go and get it!
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Have you got any favorite facial scrubs? I'm not opposed to having a facial scrub affair, but shush, don't tell Una Brennan!
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