I started yesterday off with a run. I felt motivated to have a good clean out during the day and dedicate the evening to typing up my NaNoWriMo stuff, I'd got in to a good routine with it and was really enjoying it.
I open up OneNote as I usually did and went to grab a drink, I come back to my computer and find that everything that I'd written up so far had gone.
Fourteen and a half thousand words, all gone for no reason. Needless to say I was so upset that I didn't know what to do with myself, except write a sweary tweet at OneNote's Twitter account, cause y'know, that solves all.
I've admitted defeat and have started typing it all out again, luckily I did handwrite everything and not decide to just type it in to OneNote or else it would all be gone.
Believe it or not, this has happened to me before - I'd written a fair few chapters of the first book I'd ever started seriously and somehow the file managed to corrupt leaving me with pages of symbols!

Wooo, the joys of writing!
It's very disheartening to work so hard on something and then have a technical anomaly put an end to it.
I am determined to not make this set-back put me off, so I continuing with it as we speak; just taking a few more measures to ensure I don't lose everything again!
Have you had a set back on something you've worked hard on? How did you overcome it?