Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
Manic Monday #67
Another Bank Holiday Monday is upon us, sadly it's now the last one until August. Ben and I had a good Spring Clean of the house today and have moved a few things around the house, making it feel a little more homey than it was before.
I cannot believe that in a weeks time I will be on my way on just landing in Ontario, Canada. It doesn't feel like 5 months ago that we decided to book the flights, it has come around very quickly! I feel quite unprepared even though I have planned pretty much most of our time there and everything is booked except for the airport parking.
I have started preparing my beauty bits and bobs and will be packing up my on-flight products this week so I may do a few posts about what has made the cut! I've been enjoying going through my stash and reminding myself of products that I had forgotten about.
I managed to get an early gym session in today, I was so early in fact that I thought it might be closed. Luckily it wasn't, I had quite a short but a little more intense of a workout today, after 2 days off over the weekend it felt good to get back in to it.
I feel ready to take on this week, I'm sure it'll pass in the blink of an eye!
How was your Bank holiday? Do you feel spoiled with all of the holidays we've had recently?! Where have you planned to go this year for your holiday?
Sunday, 24 May 2015
[Image Source: Pinterest]
Love is a strange feeling. I'm sure it feels different to everyone who experiences it and that all different types of love feel different.
For romantic love I almost feel like there is a surge of air sitting at the top of my stomach trying to escape my esophagus and like my heart will burst.
I find it hard to express my love for my other, so I simply tell him often that 'I love you'.
I don't think saying it, feeling it or emoting it will ever get old.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
May, it seems a little redundant to write you this letter as you're flying by so quickly that twenty of your precious days are so very nearly done.
You to me are a transitional month. You mark the waning of Spring and the starts of Summer, you have so far been a huge tease; dangling the sun in my face until my bones start to thaw slightly and in the next breath I am reaching yet again for my umbrella.
The nights shy away a little more during your time, May and I don't feel as though I live my waking, sunlit hours at work anymore. It's liberating to be able to drive home at night without my headlights guiding my way.
The sunshine brings with it a freshness, a light within me that makes me inexplicably happy; it does seem slightly bizarre that my mood is so dependent on the sunshine but that's how it's always been. I am an August baby through and through and definitely think I am destined for warmer climes. I crave sunshine, warmness and fresh air.
You gift these three things to me quite kindly, but I ask that you do so a little more than you currently are, stop being such a little tease, May.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Manic Monday #66
[Image Source: Pinterest]
Monday has been a good day today. I was in a good mood, spending too much time on my own in my new office has made me become a little bit crazy though, I was entertaining myself with my own conversation and chuckling away, you had to be there really...
Monday has been a good day today. I was in a good mood, spending too much time on my own in my new office has made me become a little bit crazy though, I was entertaining myself with my own conversation and chuckling away, you had to be there really...
I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend, it was mine and Ben's anniversary, we've been together for 8 years now, we were discussing over our meal how it doesn't feel like 8 years at all but also on the other hand it feels like it has been. I have been with Ben for my entire adult life and we have grown a hell of a lot during our time together. I appreciate my relationship with Ben more than anything, it has taught me more than I could have ever thought it could.
After my Overload post yesterday, I've felt really inspired today and just generally had a good vibe going on. I visited Facebook briefly on a cheeky little break and noticed that most of the status posts were all negative and whingey, I notice that a lot of the time on Facebook the vibe generally seems to be a negative one. It seems to be the social media site that people go on to too vent, I don't notice it so much on Twitter, Blogger, or Instagram. Due to my good mood I decided to steer clear of the site for the rest of the day, I think it was a good choice.
I was also really looking forward to going to the gym after work, I have definitely got in to my rhythm of 3 - 4 workout sessions a week. Last week I was feeling unwell and didn't manage to go to my regular sessions, I was surprised at how sad and mopey I felt because I didn't feel up to working out. Even though I know exercising releases endorphins, I still always surprise myself when I get to this stage in my workout routine.
I feel like I'm digressing slightly, even though I'm not sure what from.
How was your Monday? How were your feels today? Let me know in the comments below.
How was your Monday? How were your feels today? Let me know in the comments below.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
[Image Source: Pinterest]
I feel like I'm neglecting things that I enjoy, this blog and social media are definitely being neglected at the moment.
a few weeks back I was feeling hugely inspired and wanted to do everything; blogging, social media, gym 3-4 times a week, learn Spanish, continue writing my book, start my Interior Design course to name a few...
I started to feel uninspired around blogging, but still feeling like I'm unsure which direction to take it I enjoy writing about a huge range of things bit this, to me, makes it seem unstructured and like it lacks fluidity.
I felt like I didn't stop to have time to unwind and just let myself be, even if for a little while, feeling guilty if I forgot to do my Spanish lesson for the day or for still failing to get started with my course.
I like to be busy and feel like I'm doing something with my time, it regularly runs away with me at a scary rate. I don't see this as a bad trait, but for me I need to stop even if for a while to mull things over and decide how I feel about things.
I am still regularly going to the gym, which I thoroughly enjoy and am regularly taking my Spanish lessons, everything else however has been sadly neglected.
The reality is that I work a full time job, I 'keep' a house, spend time with Ben, socialise (sometimes), take regular Spanish lessons, blog and sleep.
Overloading stressed me out a little and recent circumstance also haven't helped, I still keep busy but at a manageable level, for now...hopefully better content will appear soon!
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Last Chance
Have you ever had a book that you just go back to time and time again? A book that's easy to read and you know like the back of your hand? I do have a selection of books that I have read countless times but only one that I tend to read once a year.
Last Chance by Sarah Dessen is my book. I'm not too sure why I'm drawn to this book time and time again, every now and then the spine just jumps out at me from my book shelf and I have to read it. I could read it in a few hours, but I like to draw it out and savor the words even now.

I got my copy free with a J-17 Magazine...that's how long ago it was, I don't think it's even in circulation anymore! The edges are dog eared and the spine is well creased, the signs of a well loved book.
The story is about a teen who is angry at life, being bullied throughout her life for being fat and since losing weight just because people can. She takes a trip to her aunts house over summer and happens upon a job at the Last Chance - the diner is symbolic in the choices that she makes over the summer and to become the person she wants to be.

It is a sweet, easy read full of parts that still even now make me feel all mushy inside, like I'm living my teen life yet again vicariously through Colie.
I love this book dearly and hold it close to my heart, I haven't ever picked up a Sarah Dessen book since but follow her avidly on Twitter, she seems like an absolute doll.
Is there a book that you have like Last Chance? What is it that entices you back in to read it?
Monday, 11 May 2015
Manic Monday #65

[Image Source - Pinterest]
This was pretty much me this morning...
Half of my weekend sadly disappeared quickly in a haze of self-induced self-pitying hungover stupor. Don't drink, kids. I do find it hard to feel too bad for myself because I know it's self induced...I did force myself to do something, that being said I went to my parents house, let my Mum feed me and then lolled about on the sofa watching Sky Sports with my Dad, so nothing too strenuous.
I started the week of with a pretty busy day, I didn't stop all day, managed to send around 50+ emails and pretty much steam rolled through my day. Following on with the gym, a decent food shop and of course cooking a delightful curry.
I now feel shattered and am looking forward to watching Game of Thrones! I haven't really been enjoying this series as much as the previous few, I think they've reached the part in the books now where there's too many characters to feature regularly in each episode. I've finally finished all of the books and felt a little lackluster when I got to the end, there were a few shockers but I think the one big shock hit me like a tonne of bricks and I made myself numb to the rest.
I've really been getting back in to finding new music again lately, listening to Radio 1 a little more regularly has helped and being in the car more often when Annie Mac is on helps with the new introductions. Currently in love with George Ezra - Did You Hear The Rain? and A$AP Rocky - Everyday.
How was your weekend? Did your disappear far too quickly? What songs are you loving at the moment? I'd love to hear suggestions!
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Personality change is inevitable. Everything changes always.
People especially. The saying that a leopard can never change it's spots can be applied to a certain aspect of character type but not an entire being.
Evolution calls for change and people need to adapt to this in turn evolving themselves.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Manic Monday #64
[Image Source: Pinterest]
[This will be my room soon.]
I'm back after a small break, I have been suffering from incredibly irritating writers block and I thought it may be good to give myself some space away from blogging rather than forcing my way through it like I usually do, as I didn't feel like it was doing me any good this time.
Today marks another Bank Holiday, Ben and I have been doing very 'Bank Holiday' typical things today, we tried and failed to go to a market due to traffic and then also failed to get in to Ikea as they had a fire and was closed. We managed to visit a few shops and went to Homebase, the decisive being that I am decided to buy paint and have successfully painted a feature wall in our new bedroom all in one day, we also tidied the garden and did a little mowing - very grown up indeed.
I bought very sweet initials from Hobbycraft and an ampersand - A & B - that are made of wood which I'm planning on painting with a lovely mint colour with gold polkadots on them. I might do a DIY post for them, if I can hold off on start doing them now...
I have a brainstorming session the other days so feel ready and raring to blog for the month of May and really need to pre-plan some posts for June when we are in Canada.
How have you spent your Bank Holiday? Did you have anything special planned?
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